Standard delivery to the EU takes between 5-14 days, depending on your location.
During the checkout process, we'll display an estimated (not guaranteed) arrival date.
We offer a 30 day returns window for all customers.
Please visit our returns section for full details.
We can only change an order for a short time after you place it.
Please contact us immediately by replying to your order confirmation email if you need to change your order. Once an order has been sent to the warehouse, or it's been dispatched, it's not possible to change it, and it will need to be returned once it's arrived.
When you place an order, we'll request the value of your order from your bank, and can't change that value later.
This means it's not possible to add an item to your order once it's complete, and we'll need to take a new payment from you for additional items.
We'd recommend that you contact us for help with this.
You do not need an account to place an order. You can simply give us your details during the checkout process.
However, to save your address details, purchase history etc, and make checking out again in the future simpler, you'll be offered the option to create an account once you place your order, by adding a password.
You can also create an account by clicking the account icon in our menu.
You can add items to your wishlist if you want to save them for later.
Simply click the small heart icon to add any product to your wish list. You'll find them on our category pages (eg jeans), and also each product page.
You wish list will be available on that device if you've accepted our use of cookies, otherwise, you'll need to sign into your account to save your Wishlist, or to be able to view it on another device
A VAT invoice is available on request. Please contact us if you require one, and we'll email you a PDF.
Depending on where we're delivering your order, this will include our UK VAT number, our EU VAT, IOSS or EORI number, or our Norwegian VOEC number as appropriate, and also state the amount of VAT you paid on your order. We only charge VAT on orders shipping to the UK, EU and Norway.
Our relevant VAT numbers are: UK VAT Number: GB153084622 UK EORI Number: GB153084622000 EU VAT Number: NL826463241B01 EU iOSS Number: IM3720001318 EU EORI Number: NL826463241 NO VOEC Number: 2035510
When you place an order on our site, our checkout connects with your bank, to request the value of your order in real time.
Your bank may validate the transaction in a number of ways; it generally happens behind the scenes, and you'll not notice anything, or they might display a window and ask you to input a code number which they'll text you, or use their app to generate (exactly how it happens depends on your bank)
This window is generated into our checkout by your bank - we can't see this window, don't know what details they will ask you, and can't see your response, we'll just get an approved or declined message.
Our site has supported these latest global security standards (called 3DSv2) since late 2020 when they became mandatory across Europe. However, some countries lag way behind these standards, and so by default just decline any transaction from another country.
If this happens to you, we'd recommend calling them to advise you're trying to place an online order with a UK store, and they should then be able to approve it for you. Please note that we can't recover a transaction once it's been declined, so you'll need to place your order again after you've spoken to them. Your items will remain in your basket until they are successfully checked-out.
Get Rewards is our Loyalty program where you earn points and exclusive rewards every time you shop.